How to use Wireless Bridge? 5 Great Tips
2022.03.21 / By hqt

We have already talked about a signal repeater as one of the operating modes of the router and special equipment for these tasks. It’s time to deal with a very similar – wireless bridge. Not to confuse with a repeater, although they have similar features in common.
It is important to correctly understand what Wi-Fi bridge mode is and how to use it correctly.
What is Bridge mode?
It is worth noting that Bridge is a mode in which several routers can interact. If the signal repeater only extends one network, then the bridge – creates 2 or more separate zones. They only need one internet connection to work.
The first device transmits the Internet to the second, but both routers operate autonomously.
Thus, the user of the first network cannot connect to devices from the second, view traffic, manage the connection, or seamlessly switch between routers. Also, different settings, passwords, etc. can use to access both access points.
What is a wireless bridge?
Basically, bridge mode is used to connect devices that belong to another owner to the network. For example, in our private sector, we ran out of slots for connecting to cable Internet, but there were neighbours who did not have time to connect.
The best way for them to get access to the network is to negotiate with the owners of the Internet that they set up the bridge mode. Then both owners will have independent internet from the same source.
How to make a Wi-Fi bridge?
To create the desired network, you need at least a wireless bridge in bridge mode. However, this is the minimum that we can use in situations where the distributing and receiving devices locates nearby.
Ordinary routers work more or less stably at a distance of several tens of meters. And this provides that they have good external antennas, as well as built-in support for bridge mode.
If the distance between devices is about 100 m or more, conventional routers are indispensable. You will already need special long-range equipment that creates bridges over long distances.
Most well-known router manufacturers also produce bridges, but wireless bridge considers the best in this market segment. She has a wide range and there are models for different pockets.
For routers and special bridges to work, you need to configure them, but this is not a guarantee of success. It is important to pay attention to a number of additional factors.
How to make a stable network in bridge mode?
Devices from the same manufacturer are almost always more stable. On the contrary, devices from Asus and TP-link or other companies sometimes experience difficulties in connecting.
Wireless WIFI Bridge may not be visible
Both devices must be in the line of sight. The wireless bridge may not be visible, but they must be accurately directed to each other. The farther the devices locate from each other, the more precisely the direction should adjust.
It is very important that there are no obstacles between them. If there are trees, walls, houses, etc. along the signal path, the devices should raise high enough to avoid these obstacles.
Both devices must have enough power to create a bridge. They should also have the same frequency of operation. If the coverage area is not enough, we recommend installing an amplifying antenna.
How to set up a wireless bridge?
If all devices are ready and exposed, the last step is to set up a bridge between two routers using the TP-link example:
We connect the router with Internet access to the computer via cable and open its control panel (tips are on the label).
Open the “Wireless Mode” section and set one of the free channels from 1 to 13. It is important to remember this value.
The option refers to Wireless Distribution Software
The abbreviated name of the technology is WDS. The scope of this function is wide. Often this mode uses to connect one wireless bridge to another. This is necessary primarily to improve the signal. The second device acts as a repeater.
Another application option – the router is used as an intermediate link to which devices that do not have wireless modules connect. Various models of routers are able to function in bridge mode.
To find out exactly whether a particular model supports this mode, you should read the description and technical specifications. You can connect the router to a TV without a Wi-Fi module.
The same can be done for a PC that also lacks the module. The wireless bridge can combine several devices that are independent of each other. Setting up a bridge between two routers involves connecting them wired or wirelessly.
What is the difference between a bridge and a repeater?
Router mode allows us to simply distribute the Internet to various home gadgets. But there is also a repeater mode, which should not confuse with the bridge function. Many users have erroneous opinions.
They believe that if you connect two routers to each other, the second one will only work as a repeater. This is not entirely true. Since the second router will be able to create an independent network from the first wireless bridge.
A completely independent connection creates, and a password will be set. The functionality of the repeater is not capable of such actions. In addition, many people confuse modems with routers.
The device of the first type only receives signals. Modems are not capable of distributing the Internet over a wireless network. But on sale, you can find 2 in 1 devices – modems with a built-in router. There is a difference between bridge mode and router mode.